Testing & Inspecting

Kent Electrical & Fire offers electrical testing services in full compliance with NICEIC standards. Our certified electricians will inspect your electrical installation to ensure it meets all legal requirements.

We conduct comprehensive site testing, helping you fulfill insurance obligations in case of fire or accidents caused by faulty electrical systems. We provide periodic inspection reports for all types of premises, including domestic properties, boarding houses, hotels, industrial units, factories, warehouses, garages, offices, and shops.

After the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report on the condition of your electrical installation, highlighting any areas that fall short of current standards. If remedial work is needed to achieve a 'Satisfactory' rating, we will provide a full breakdown of required actions. These reports, along with other preventative maintenance documents, serve as crucial evidence of compliance and offer protection against potential legal issues.

NICEIC Approved domestic and commercial electrical testing services

Kent Electrical & Fire have been providing certified electrical testing and compliances services to domestic and commercial clients for the last 25 years. We work with you to ensure your home or business complies with all the latest health & safety regulations.

We are Paxton Registered installers

London Electrical and Fire - Paxton Installers